Local Resources
Are you a local practitioner and want to be on the list?! Just send me a message with your information. I am a firm believer in collaboration over competition!
The list below is for additional resources and other local practitioners.

Holistic/Alternative Practitioners
~Angela Fields Instagram @angelafields1234
Sound Healer, Yoga Instructor, Artist, Reiki and Wellness Creator.
~Brittany Haug Acupuncture and Integrative Health SJ
~Kara Rangel, DC Chiropractor Instagram drkararangel
~Back in Motion Chiropractor www.backinmotionchironj.com
~Active Life Project Chiropractor www.activelifeproject.co
~Morgen B, nutritionist, integrative health, and herbalist
~Kimi Nishimoto, Myofunctional Therapist, Mouth Muscle Memory www.mouthmusclememory.com
The Munch Bunch Podcast on Spotify
Physical Therapist
~Breathe Life PT and Wellness, Pelvic Wellness
~Sara Brummer Pediatric Physical Therapist
~Dr. Asha Pandey-Smith, Obstetric Physical Therapy and Wellness www.soulrisept.com
Occupational Therapist
~Kelly Carino, OT www.motivated-kids.com
~Riki Newman OTR/L, CLC www.littletpots.com
Speech and Language Therapist
~Eat Play Learn www.eatplayleanrnj.com
~Pediatric Feeding Partners www.pediatricfeedingpartners.com
Pediatric Dentist
~Dayspring Dental www.dayspringdentaltwp.com
~Dentistry For Special People www.dentistryforspecialpeople.com
~Infant Laser Dentistry, PC www.infantlaserdentistry.com
Childbirth Educator/Doulas/Birth Support
~Birth with Harmony, Birth Educator and Doula www.birthwithharmony.care
~Keely Fruin, Birth Doula www.picklesandicecreamdoula.com
~Bridget Brennan Tolson, Fertility Educator
Instagram bridgetbrennrn
~Abounding Love Birth Services, Doula, CLC www.aboundinglovedould.com
~~The HEARTh Space, counseling and trauma center www.hearthspace.com
~Ashley Albrecht, Soul Care and Conscious Parenting Coach Instagram @freeandfearlessparenting
Lactation Consultant/Support
~The Village www.thevillagesj.com
~Solutions for Breastfeeding www.solutionsforbreastfeeding.com
~The Nest www.thenestlactation.com
~New Jersey Lactation Consultants www.newjerseylactation.com
Child and Parent Support
~Beehavior Budz www.beehaviorbudz.com
~Magpi Midwifery Homebirth Midwife www.magpimidwifery.com
~Salon Sunflower and Sage www.sunflowerandsage.com
~Float Haven Health Spa www.floathavenspa.com
Local Shops
~Maxine's Uptown Boutique Instagram maxinesuptownboutique
crystals, metaphysical, aura reading, chakra alignments, and more
~Milk and Lavendar Breastfeeding Boutique